Sunday, July 11, 2010

2010 Softball Party for the Reds

We hosted our 3rd annual softball party yesterday.
The girls swam, hung out, ate, and presented their coaches with gifts. It was a great way to officially end another season with two wonderful coaches. We also found out that they are coaching again next year. YEAH!!!!
So until next year, hope all you Reds families have a wonderful end to the summer, and we will see some of you in fall ball which surprisingly starts in like 6 weeks. (There is really no break anymore :) It's just sports all year round for us, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

Angi said...

I always say it--you're the hostess with the mostess! I never know how you do it but I know that everyone involved is always so glad that you do!

Happy that you "sort of" have a break now!
Well, you will after Monday.