Saturday, June 6, 2009

It was A DAY!!

A very busy day at that!
After three baseball games Kevin and I decided to take every last thing out of our garage, put in on the driveway, sweep and hose out the garage, and put everything back in a more ORGANIZED way!
I forgot to take pictures, but I will tell you that it was a huge job!
Glad to be done, actually it feels amazing to have it done. I'm hoping that the garage being clean will cut back on the dirt in my home. We'll see??
Finally got all the kids inside, and have two asleep!
Time for a glass of wine some relaxation time!
Am so looking forward to Sunday! I am hoping for a day of rest and some quality family time!

1 comment: said...

A clean garage! We delight in the simple things. Hope you get to relax tomorrow!