Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More than just the alphabet...

As I mentioned in a previous post Emma and I have started some formal schooling in the last week and have been working mostly on phonics with a little math on the side.
Emma is definitely not where my older two were in terms of reading readiness, but I plan to get her there quickly! She is more than ready!!
So, I was thrilled when I stumbled across this ADORABLE book at the library today. It was in the new release section and although I've seen these books about states, I have never seen the alphabet ones. Yeah! This is just what I needed to supplement our phonics program. Not only do they work on letter recognition and sound but they have cute little facts and quotes throughout, and wonderful illustrations. (The quotes will bring all you mama's to tears!)
I noticed on the back that there are more alphabet books so I just reserved this, this and this at the library! Can you tell I am a little excited about these books?? I am officially getting back into school mode!


Laura said...

What a sweet looking, little book! I may need to reserve some myself :)

I know what you mean by getting in the school-y mood. I'm getting there myself!

Angi said...

I'll have to check these out too! Greer is all about learning her letters right now!! said...

Got it reserved!