Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Painting with pudding (Emma and Greer style..)

Yes, you read the title right, these girls painted their body with pudding. After watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 on last Monday night (Kate let the kids do this at the beach) I decided Emma had to try it! She loves to get messy and loves to paint so what better to do right. And we do have the pool to clean off in.
So when Greer was coming over I knew I found the perfect friend for her to get slimy with.
I can't even begin to describe how much fun these two girls had, (well the pictures speak for themselves)!
They both started out a bit conservative. They couldn't believe they actually got to cover themselves with pudding but after a few minutes they really got into it!!!
Emma looks messier in the pictures because she decided to use the chocolate pudding, but do not fret Angi your little girl was just as gruesome, the vanilla pudding just didn't show up as well.
At one point, when we were in the pool swimming Greer said to me "I think I am going to do this next time too, and every time I come over". (YIKES!!) Maybe not EVERY time but definitely sometime again!
Girls, I had so much fun with you!!! William was asleep and the big kids were at friends (Thank you again for taking them Angi, and for hosting Shelly!) so I really got to spend some quality time with these two. We all swam together after their pudding play and I had some other crafty projects planned for them but they got so deep into playing house and babies that I didn't want to interrupt their good time! Enjoy these pictures, they are classic Emma and Greer!


Laura said...

How adorable! Jenny, you are so brave :) Look at that mess! I guess it all just hoses off ;) The girls look like they had a ball! said...

You are the ULTIMATE crafty Mom! Hands off to you girlfriend!! The girls look like they had a blast!

Margot said...

Greer licking her toe is the best picture! That is hilarious.

Lynn said...

Looks like they had a blast. I love the pictures of their hands in the pudding.

Angi said...

I need copies of EVERYTHING! :)

I do love that shot of Greer with toe in mouth but the one of Emma, crazy in chocolate!

Thanks so much for doing this!
I think it's something she'll be talking about for a loooooong time :)