Sunday, January 18, 2009

An Afternoon of Sledding

Instead of all the housework we should have been doing we took the afternoon off!! We headed to Panera for lunch (YUM) and to a local hill for some sledding. It was nice to get out of the house (and mess) and forget about all that we should be doing for a couple of hours. We had so much fun and although it was a bit cold it wasn't sooo bitter like it had been a couple of days ago. We need to do more "family time" on Sunday afternoons (one of my new year's resolutions). The Kids getting ready to bundle up.

William is excited too!

William isn't sure about these mittens or those BIG hills but Daddy thinks he will be just fine. (Mommy is a little worried)

Sledding is one of Colin's favorite things to do!

Adrienne and Emma running up the hill after their first ride down.

Emma at the bottom of the hill with her rosy freezing cheeks.

Ready for take-off!

Adrienne and Colin enjoying the time together.

William and Mommy heading down for the first time. William is still worried but he has his fans cheering him on.

William and Mommy coming down the hill. (He didn't like it much, maybe next year!)

I love this picture. I told Adrienne this is a great "action" shot.

They are eager and ready!!


Laura said...

Looks like you guys had a great time today! That was a great way to spend the afternoon :)

Angi said...

Yea!! I'm glad you guys got out and enjoyed the snow, I wish we would've, too! The boys did with friends but not the whole family. Maybe this coming weekend?

And I love the new header photo!

Nikki Mehalic said...

fun we might go sleding today!