Tuesday, January 20, 2009

She's ALWAYS One Step Ahead Of Me!

Emma has turned into the best mama's helper! The other night when William and Emma were taking a bath together the picture above is what was waiting for me on the bed. Emma had got pj's for her and William along with their favorite blankets, and a diaper and favorite toy for William. She is always thinking of ways to help me. If I say that I am getting ready to start breakfast she will have bowls, spoons and cups ready by the time I get in the kitchen. It really is amazing how she is always willing to do anything for anybody and we all appreciate her help and how much she contributes to our family! She will be an amazing mommy some day!


Nikki Mehalic said...

That is a great helper!

Angi said...

She's a sweet girl, that's for sure...