Colin and Emma just don't "mix" well right now. They are only twenty-two months apart and just a little competitive (just a little!!!).
Colin hasn't mastered the protective big brother role yet and is, most of the time, just annoyed with his little sister. So...it was so nice to see them having so much fun together at Slate Run Farm over the weekend.
I found this photo of them and I just love it!!!
I know some day they will be great friends but until then, I can look at this adorable picture right!
I took a similar picture of Megan and Nicholas today and was thinking the same thing! Sometimes they just really annoy one another UGH! But sometimes they are so cute and sweet together :)
Very cute pic!
That is a good picture! And I know what you mean about oil and water, so when they have moments that they get along I just want to freeze time!
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